

Undergraduate 6 Semesters study in Toruń

Training purpose

The study aims are to equip students with broad and comprehensive knowledge and skills as well as professional preparation for employment in all supported nurses.


Graduate Profile


The Bachelor of Nursing Diploma is obtained by a graduate of first degree studies in the field of nursing:

in terms of knowledge he has:

  • detailed knowledge of nursing,
  • general knowledge of other medical sciences,
  • knowledge of legal regulations, ethical standards and deontology relating to the profession of nurse;

in terms of skills, he can:

  • use up-to-date knowledge to ensure safety and a high level of care,
  • provide services to promote, preserve health and prevent disease,,
  • provide comprehensive and individualised care for a disabled and dying patient,,
  • exercise their profession on their own, in accordance with the principles of general and professional ethics and a holistic approach to the patient, taking into account the respect and observance of their rights,
  • organise own work; establish cooperation in health care teams and initiate and support community health activities;

in terms of social competence:

  • communicates effectively and emphatically with the patient,
  • is aware of the factors influencing his and the patient's reactions,
  • is aware of the need for permanent, continuing education. 

List of subjects


Selected thematic issues in the field of basic sciences:

  • Anatomy, 
  • Phisiology,
  • Pathology, 
  • Genetics, 
  • Pharmacology, 
  • Biochemistry and biophysics, 
  • Microbiology and parasitology, 
  • Radiology

Selected thematic issues in the social sciences: 

  • Psychology, 
  • Sociology, 
  • Pedagogy, 
  • Law, 
  • Public health;

Selected thematic issues in the field of basic nursing care: 

  • Basics of nursing,
  • Primary care, 
  • Dietetics, 
  • Phisical testing, 

Selected thematic issues in the field of specialist care:

  • Internal diseases and internal medicine nursing,
  • Surgery and surgical nursing,
  • Obstetrics, gynaecology and obstetric and gynaecological nursing,
  • Psychiatry and psychiatric nursing,
  • Anaesthesiology and life-threatening nursing,
  • Palliative care,
  • Rehabilitation and care of disabled people,
  • Neurology and neurological nursing,
  • Geriatry and geriatric nursing,
  • Basics of Emergency Medical Services



The main objective of the obligatory apprenticeship is to introduce students to future professional work and to gather experience in the area of education studied with particular emphasis on the integration of acquired practical skills with knowledge and social competences 

First Degree Nursing students are required to complete 1,200 hours of practice in accordance with the standards provided for in First Degree studies, obtaining 30 ECTS credits. 

The place of professional practice is the following hospital departments: internal medicine, surgery, paediatric (infant, neonatal pathology), neurological, psychiatric, emergency medicine, intensive care, long-term care, obstetrics and gynaecology in multi-profile regional hospitals, home, community and school nursing centres and hospices. 

Students are given internships in public health care institutions, non-public health care institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, private medical centers, medical clinics of a nature consistent with the internship program. 

First degree students of the "Nursing" course take part in professional practice on days off from classes at the University or during the summer break. In accordance with the study program, students should undergo the internship in the following hours:

  • Nursing basics - 120 hours, obtaining 3 ECTS points
  • Basic health care - 200 hours with 5 ECTS credits
  • Obstetrics, gynaecology and obstetrics-gynecology nursing - 40 hours, obtaining 1 ECTS point
  • Pediatrics and paediatric nursing - 160 hours, obtaining 4 ECTS points
  • Internal diseases and internal medicine nursing - 160 hours, obtaining 4 ECTS points
  • Surgery and surgical nursing - 160 hours, obtaining 4 ECTS points
  • Rehabilitation and care of the disabled - 80 hours, obtaining 2 ECTS points
  • Geriatry and geriatric nursing - 80 hours, obtaining 2 ECTS points
  • Neurology and neurological nursing - 80 hours, obtaining 2 ECTS points
  • Psychiatry and psychiatric nursing - 40 hours, obtaining 1 ECTS point
  • Anaesthesia and nursing in life-threatening situations - 40 hours, obtaining 1 ECTS point
  • Palliative care - 40 hours, reaching 1 ECTS point

Employment prospects

After obtaining a bachelor's degree and receiving the right to practice the profession, a graduate will find employment in the company:

  • hospitals,
  • clinics,
  • care and treatment facilities,
  • hospices,
  • nursing and care facilities,
  • social welfare homes,

Permit to practice a profession for Nursing Graduates

After completing studies in the NURSING program, graduates receive a certificate issued by the Polish Chamber of Nurses and Midwives, confirming that their qualifications meet the minimum requirements set by European Union regulations. Additionally, it states that their diploma certifies formal qualifications equivalent to those required for nurses under EU law.

The cost of issuing this certificate in 2025 is 139.98 PLN, payable to the Polish Chamber of Nurses and Midwives.

Requirements for Obtaining a Polish Professional License (PWZ)

To obtain a Polish Professional License (PWZ), graduates must submit:
✔ A completed application form, diploma, and diploma supplement
✔ A medical certificate confirming their fitness to practice, issued by an occupational health physician or an authorized doctor
✔ An official certificate proving proficiency in the Polish language (spoken and written) at a B1 level, as required by the Act of October 7, 1999, on the Polish language
✔ A valid identity document for verification
✔ A residence permit or another document confirming the right to stay in Poland

Working in the European Union

If a graduate wishes to work in another EU country, the Nursing Chamber in that country must contact the Polish Chamber of Nurses and Midwives to verify the graduate’s Professional License (PWZ).

Even if a graduate obtains a Polish PWZ but later decides to work abroad, they must submit a deregistration request to the Polish Chamber. Their original PWZ remains in Poland, and in exchange, they receive a certificate confirming their qualifications to work in EU countries.

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