Applied medical sciences

Applied medical sciences

Licencjackie 6 SEMESTRÓW studia w języku angielskim

Graduate profile

AMS it's three-year undergraduate studies, which enable preparation for continuing medical professional (education, rescue, physiotherapy, dietetics, medicine, dentistry), as well as methodological preparation for conducting scientific research in the field of health and medicine.

During studies in scientific studies, qualifications and practical skills to participate, among others, in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, psychology, pharmacology, medicine, English medical terminology and appointment, laboratory diagnostics, organization of management and health protection, as well as research methodology and statistics.

Study gives the opportunity to apply after graduation work in research, to obtain a medical industry or to continue medicine study.

WSG has considerable success potential, where practice is carried out in the field of rehabilitation, dietetics, mental health, neurologopedics, sports medicine, counseling, prophylaxis and diagnostics. The academic potential is health for years of medical studies in the field of physiotherapy, dietetics, nursing, management and wellness, midwifery, emergency medical services or management in health care (MBA). At the moment of obtaining potential and pro-innovative potential from the Medical Simulation Center, Laboratory of Fundamentals of Engineering and Obstetrics Genetic Genetic Laboratory Genetic Genetic, Department of Senses.

Course content

WSG has been operating for over 30 years. It is the oldest private university in Poland. Strength is silent. 8.5 ha are available to students and employees. The campus not only flirts with functional disposition also flirts with the use of time.

WSG support projects and inventiveness by patenting a number of searches and benefits in Healthcare. Every year we organize participation and participation in many conferences and seminars.

WSG which has a Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Center, where student  can take the new skills and knowledge in the field of medicine.

Harmonogram czesnego

Ilość ratKwota
czesne stałe
12635 zł
10750 zł
41 830 zł
23 730 zł
16 900 zł
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