Computer engineering and mechatronics

Computer engineering and mechatronics

Inżynierskie 7 SEMESTRÓW studia w języku angielskim

Educational goals

The purpose of education in the area of ​​"Computer Engineering and Mechatronics" is to prepare engineering staff well-equipped with the competencies necessary to exist and function on the contemporary international labor market, having extensive knowledge in the field of design, production and operation of mechanical devices and automation used in industry. Studies in this area are conducted only in English. The knowledge acquired during studies and acquired and shaped skills enable the graduate to get a job in the changing economic conditions, requiring from the job candidate knowledge and skills in many fields of science covering areas such as mechanics, electronics and aspects of the application of IT systems in technology. A graduate of the "Computer Engineering and Mechatronics" Bachelor studies has specialist knowledge and general knowledge in the field of mechatronics, which will allow him to further education and self-education in selected areas related to engineering activities.


A graduate of "Computer Engineering and Mechatronics" after graduation, apart from knowledge and skills acquired during classes, broadens his horizons by acquiring knowledge and skills with aspects specific to the profession of IT, industrial automation and robotics, construction and machine construction.

A graduate of „Computer Engineering and Mechatronics” during studies gains:

  • knowledge of the construction and operating principles of robots;
  • knowledge of the principles of conducting engineering projects;
  • knowledge about construction, principles of operation, programming and connecting programmable logic controllers with the object (PLC);
  • knowledge of sensors and measuring non-electric quantities;
  • knowledge about the construction and use of real-time operating systems;
  • knowledge about structures, algorithms of operation and design principles of machine and device control systems;
  • knowledge of the elements and components used to build control systems;
  • knowledge about communication interfaces used in mechatronics;
  • knowledge in the use of numerical methods in mechatronics;
  • knowledge of construction, methodology for assessing reliability and knowledge of regulations and standards for selected mechatronic systems;
  • knowledge about the principles of operating machinery and equipment.

Employment prospects

A graduate of this area of ​​study may find employment e.g. in companies dealing with installation, design and construction of mechatronic and IT systems.

Language certificate B1

Language certificate B1

A certificate confirming the candidate’s level of English is required. Recognized certificates include:

English Language Certificate.
University of Economics in Bydgoszcz accepts the following English Language certificates:
– First Certificate in English (FCE),
– Certificate in Advanced English (CAE),
– Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE),
– Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage,
– Business English Certificate (BEC) Higher,
– Certificate in English for International Business and Trade (CEIBT),
– International English Language Testing System (IELTS) more than 6 points;
– Test of an English as Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Harmonogram czesnego

Ilość ratKwota
czesne stałe
12640 zł
10755 zł
41 845 zł
23 755 zł
16 950 zł
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