Global affairs

Global affairs

Magisterskie 4 SEMESTRÓW studia w języku angielskim


The Global Affairs, Master`s degree, 4 semesters – we created this specialty to deliver you the advanced knowledge about international perspective of global complex problems focusing on crucial political, economic and social aspects.  We would like to strongly emphasize that our specialty focuses on present-day global problems and current global solutions. The primary goal of the Global Affairs is to help students understand how our interconnected world works, how it could work better in the nearest future and what are the positive and negative aspects of globalisation processes, chances and possible threats.

The Global Affairs is the excellent option for students who are interested to understand contemporary global processes and challenges, and who also perceive own careers that could cross international borders. Students in Global Affairs discover the reasons and implications of globalisation, international migration, development, underdevelopment, poverty, unemployment, lack of education, pervasive corruption, interethnic conflict, religious conflicts, human rights violations, and global strategic management.


The student will receive the complex knowledge about the functioning of the world – we can talk in this case about advanced introduction to the Global Affairs` Perspective. You will learn about the mechanism of globalisation, international system, various theories of development, underdevelopment and global imbalance. From the other side you will understand the definite transnational problems like climate change, environmental contamination or human rights. We will provide you an compound overview of the evolution of international policy, international trade and finance and the evolution of well-known international organisations.

We will explain the main factors and mechanisms of poverty and unemployment, causes of corruption, development and underdevelopment in the world, modern development policy, international migration from one country to another countries. As a global citizen you will obtain additionaly knowledge about international security and conflict situations, regional and rising powers, political instability in some regions. This specialty will introduce student how the governments and international corporations have influence on production, distribution and consumption process. This is a fragment of global potential knowledge, which you will gather during the study on this specialty.


Our graduates will have a possiblity to work in the following areas including: enterprises which focus on export and import activity, insurance corporations,  government organisations, international trade organisations, marketing and publishing department, advertising agencies finance, banking and investment branch which support international business, consultancy and counselling branch, supply chain or transport and spedition branch.

Harmonogram czesnego

Ilość ratKwota
czesne stałe
12620 zł
10730 zł
41 790 zł
23 640 zł
16 740 zł
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