Sport management

Sport management

Magisterskie 4 SEMESTRÓW studia w języku angielskim

Study program

Graduates of the "Sport management" master's degree program will obtain complete and comprehensive, as well as unique knowledge of the functioning of sports organizations and institutions operating in the sports industry under market conditions. The complementary knowledge will make it possible and easier to manage any organization, including special attention paid to non-governmental organizations and other organizations related to sports and recreation. This is possible thanks to the combination of knowledge and experience provided by outstanding practitioners, top-class coaches and athletes who run a wide range of businesses after the end of their sports career. This module is a comprehensive "management in a nutshell" course. Upon completion, participants will have the knowledge, skills and practical foundations in sport management for management programs around the world.

Addressees of the studies

The study is dedicated to people who want to manage professional and amateur sports organizations. People who want to broaden their knowledge of management, also to those who intend to work in clubs and other organizations in the future. Also for sports facility managers and employees of local government units responsible for the development of sports in local communities, and especially for athletes ending their careers and former athletes who intend to continue working in sports as managers of sports organizations.

Benefits for students: The studies will provide knowledge and good practices for those managing sports clubs, sports associations, companies, sports leagues and facilities, amateur sports organizations. It is also a program for employees of local government units dealing with sports in the region. The study program broadens knowledge and develops skills in the areas of marketing, financing in sports, management of sports organizations at different levels of sport and in various sports disciplines, and communication with the target market. The benefits of completing the program also include the ability to run a business that relates to sports and recreation or to effectively communicate and form relationships with the diverse stakeholders of these organizations. The employer will benefit by gaining a qualified employee who can effectively manage any sporting entity.


List of modules

  • Fundamentals of management
  • Sport organisation in Poland.
  • Sport clubs and organisations in Polish law in comparison to foreign solutions
  • Law and sport in Poland
  • Management of public institutions in sport
  • Organization and management of qualified sports clubs
  • Managing a crisis situation in sport
  • Management of human resources in a sports club
  • Sports marketing
  • Marketing communication in sport
  • Coaching in Sport
  • Sports manager in the club management system
  • Financing sport in Poland and abroad
  • Financial management of professional sports clubs
  • Management of projects in sports
  • International Project Management in Sport
  • Organization and management of sport and recreational events
  • Community service and volunteer work in sport event management
  • Event management
  • Introduction to data analysis in sports organization management
  • Security of sporting events
  • Construction and equipment of sports facilities
  • Sports facility management

Harmonogram czesnego

Ilość ratKwota
czesne stałe
12720 zł
10845 zł
42 075 zł
24 225 zł
17 820 zł
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